Friday, November 12, 2010


Time to get posting!  Sorry, I know you have all missed me.  I have been slack-a-lackin' on my blog postin' lately.  For that, I apologize. 
I have been very busy lately.  Between class, assignments, observing and other random activities, its just been a whirl wind.  I love to volunteer, my hubby tells me I volunteer too much.  It makes me feel good to volunteer.  I just love helping out and spending my time doing things that hopefully help others.  I have met a lot of great people doing this.  Just recently I was on a planning committee for our big fundraiser event.  It used to be linked to American Heart Association, but we pulled away from them this fall, and the fundraiser was to raise money for a project that will stay in our own community.  There is an organization in town that is trying to bring 50 AED's through our county in the next five years.  I am not a life saver person, not a nurse or a doctor, but these things are really pretty neat.  And they can really help to save someones life who goes into sudden cardiac arrest.  An AED is an automated external defibrillator.  The ones that they are investing in are really pretty dummy proof.  You attach the "paddles" and turn it on.  The computer does an assessment of the persons heart beats and decides if they need to be shocked or not.  It continues until EMTs arrive and take over.  Its really pretty cool.  So I helped to put on the event to raise money.  Its a formal event, so I had to dress up for the evening.  Thanks to my friends getting married, I already had a dress to wear.  :)  Perfect.  We have a silent/live auction, dinner and dancing.  However, when you volunteer you really don't get to "have fun", as you are really working behind the scenes to make sure everything goes well.  We had a great committee, the evening was perfect, and it being November...the weather was awesome as well!  I am not sure of the final total, but our goal was $40,000.00 and I am pretty sure we came close to $53,000.00.  Which is awesome.  What helps is we live in a smaller community, with a TON of medical staff (we have a medical school right here in town). 
Here is the coolest story of the night.  There is a doctor here in town, who also owns a winery.  Not only did he donate all the wine to our event, but then during the live auction he was bidding on the child's play house we had up for auction.  This play house was awesome.  I could easily stand up in side, with a good foot above my head.  It had a front porch and mail box.  It was just so cute.  I could have lived there, if it had a bathroom and a kitchen. :)  Anyway, he and another Dr. were going through a bidding war.  Well, the wine doctor won it and then GAVE it to the other doctor who was bidding against him because he knew they had young kids and he did not.  AMAZING right?  I mean, I just thought that had to be the coolest thing ever!  It just gives me the warm fuzzies knowing there are those type of people still in the world today.  :)
On another note, I hate this time change.  I am so tired.  I know you are supposed to gain an hour of sleep, but I feel as though I lost sleep somewhere.  It gets dark at like five o'clock now and that means winter is fast approaching.  I hate cold.  Well, if spring starts in March, I guess I have only five more months.  Ugh.  :(