Welcome Back! We have been gone on vacation, or our annual trip home for the holidays. There is something so wonderful about going home for the holidays. I love flying, but that isn't what makes it so wonderful. I love seeing all my favorite people. Our families, siblings, friends. It's just a fantastic time of year! In 2010, we cut it close and went home the day before Christmas Eve. Then we stayed until Jan. 2nd. It's funny, you think that is a really long time to go home and you can get everything done you want to do, see everyone you want to see. It's not. It never seems to be enough time. Some times our week is booked before we even step foot in the wonderful state of Pennsylvania. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Family party. It gets to be a little hectic. I love it! It is the only vacation where I am up early (usually) and to bed as late as I can stand it. I try to cram as much stuff into 24 hours as possible. The thing I hate most? The first week back. Ugh, my desk is a mess. The week tends to drag on and on. My days seem so long. Some people wonder if vacation is worth the heachache you come back to. I think it absolutely is. Everyone needs to take vacations, get away from the stress. Our vacation home just tends to be a different kind of hustle and bustle than on our normal days.
Reflecting on 2010, it was a good year. We did a lot of amazing things. The years always seem to go so fast. It was nice to end it on a good note, home with family and friends, ringing in the new year. Here is to a fantastic 2011, I hope it can be at least as good as 2010, if not better. Things to look forward to? Lot's of trips home this year, our big "We are turning 30, and let's celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary and our all hard work/weight loss in the Islands somewhere" with our great friends (I am going to have to shorten that title somehow). And of course, we will end the year with our annual trip home for the holidays. May all my family and friends have a fanstastic 2011 with lots of happiness and health.