Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's Missouri Christmas Day! :)

Today is December 18th.  Big day on many levels.  First, it's my beautiful niece Olivia's first birthday today.  I just finished skyping with the family to watch her eat cake (which she wanted nothing to do with) and then open presents...which kind of bored her once she found a box to climb and sit on.  It was cute.
But today is a special day because it's Missouri Christmas day.  Today is the day my hubby and I celebrate Christmas in Missouri.  Instead of lugging all our presents home to PA for Christmas with our families, we just celebrate Christmas here before we go home.  That way its less to travel with, and we get to open presents a little earlier.  :)  I got a lot of good things this year.  I must have been a very good girl. :)  But, we will get to that another time.
I wanted to blog about the gift I made J.  He half kidding (I think) made a statement two weeks ago that he wanted a Philadelphia Phanatic Christmas Stocking.  No sooner than he got the words out, the creative gears in my head kicked in.  So, I made him a Philadelphia Phanatic stocking.  The only store we have here in town with craft stuff is Walmart.  I didn't have enough time to run to Hobby Lobby in Columbia, but that is okay.  I found stuff that worked perfectly. 
First, I got some grey fleece fabric, which my friend Jenny G will be so proud of, because it was on clearance!  Perfect.  Then I got some felt, fabric glue, googly eyes, and some pom-poms.  I found a stocking pattern online, and I had to draw the Phanatic by hand because I couldn't find a large enough photo to trace.  All in all, it cost me maybe $10.00 for everything, and a couple of hours of time.  The face my hubby made last night when he saw it was priceless.  Which is exactly what I was going for.  Take a look at the pictures of my stocking making. :)  Hope you all have a very Merry Missouri Christmas!

The finished product :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ah, Christmas Time

I love Christmas time!  We have already decorated our tree.  It's so pretty.  We got a big tree this year because we finally have room for it.  We used to have a little 4 ft. tree, which we have now put in our bedroom. 
Today, my hubby and I went shopping.  It was so much fun!  We got almost everything done!  This is the earliest we have ever been done shopping!  It's nice.  Tonight I even started wrapping his presents.  See here in Missouri, we celebrate Christmas Deceber 18th.  Well, that is the day we are celebrating it this year. We celebrate a little early because we always go home for Christmas.
I am excited to go home for the holidays.  One, I get to see my family and my beautiful niece, who is turning 1 in two weeks.  And two, I get to see all my wonderful friends!
It is for those two reasons I love Christmas the most!  Nothing is better than spending time with family and friends and eating all the yummy food and cookies my mommy makes!  :)